Amerikanska motion-dårarna på Force Dynamics har precis utannonserat den nya simulatorriggen 202 som är en så kallad 6DOF (Degrees or Freedom)-mackapär som simulerar alla de rörelser som en GT/Formel/rally-tävlingsbil utsätts för, eller är genererar. Riggen levereras komplett med dator, skärmar, rattbas och pedaler och kostar 42 000 dollar exklusive frakt. Räkna med en dryg halvmiljon inklusive frakten och tullavgiften, med andra ord. Personligen tycker jag att det mer ser ut som en karusell, när den väl rör sig, än hur en riktig bil beter sig under "heavy race load".

"It's the only true motion simulator in its price and size class, the only one capable of moving displays with the platform, the only one providing true g-force loads, and the only two-actuator system with effective surge and sway axes that outperform pro-level 6DOF systems. The 202 is in a class of its own - at any price. The 202 not only offers roll range double that of most competitors, but moves through that roll range seven times as fast as similarly priced competitors, and it's twice as fast as systems that cost twice as much. D-Box platforms give you 1.5 inches of actuator range, Qubic systems 1.9 inches, and the 202 a whopping 15 inches. There's no comparison.Conventional platforms stack the motion system on top of the actuators, swinging your head around like a bucket on the end of a rope. The conventional wisdom says that too much motion is bad, but that's because conventional platforms do motion badly. The 202's roll center is at near-head-level, yielding clean, precise lateral g force cues with no unintended forces. What's more, the 202's layout means it drives like a multi-axis platform. The ultra-high roll center means you actually move left and right - an induced sway axis - when cornering left and right, and the strut geometry also drives an induced surge axis. You get more side-to-side and fore-aft motion in the "2DOF" 202 than in six-axis systems costing five times as much." Länk!

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